Royal Canin Design System | North Peak Digital

North Peak Digital

Peak Digital User Experience Consultancy

The Royal Canin Design Language was a brilliant project to be involved in. We had to create a brand website that could work for all of their 52 global markets. We had to consider how different content would work in different languages – we we’re building components that would be used all over the globe, from Germany to Japan, from the UK the China. Since the content would vary so much grom country to country, we had to create a look and feel that was flexible for each market, but always distinctly Royal Canin.


Frontend Developer & UX / UI Designer


Ongoing 3 year project


HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Figma


  • UX / UI
  • Frontend Development
  • Code Maintenance
  • Support

As with most MARS-owned company websites, performance is key. We were proud to be crowned the number 1 ranked site for accessibility among hundreds of MARS-owned sites. As this was an ongoing, fluid project, we continued to investigate, test, and improve the codebase and design system to ensure best practice was always upheld.

Thank you